Welcome to The Green Garten
We are a creative systems company that establishes resources, organization, and
replicable routines for busy families and businesses.
“Nothing that a cup of coffee, some upbeat music, a trip to Target, and a good system can’t fix. I want us to enjoy doing this life.”
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Our Mission
Guiding and helping business owners, teachers, and mamas establish systems, routines, activities, and tools so they can feel confident and prepared, while having more time for the most important things in life.
Featured Products
Home Care Plan
General Consultation
Toddler Advent Activity Bundle
Customized Home System
More about The Green Garten
As a busy wife, mama of two littles, and elementary school teacher, I could feel myself drowning in the must-dos, may-dos, and want-to-dos of life. I remember thinking “it’s not supposed to be this way”. While I created systems for my classroom to run epically smoothly, I didn’t connect the dots that similar, curated systems could be in place for my home and business.
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