Home Care Plan
Oh my macaroni it feels so beyond crazy that my home care plan (and basically 80% of my website?!) is up and running at this point. I am ready to start offering services, creating guides, and most importantly cultivating a love for systems, routine, and order in your homes and businesses!
Currently it’s 3:39 AM here as I type this and if you know me you won’t be super surprised by this. I am typically a very go to bed early, wake up early sort of gal and if I get a good night’s sleep then I am a force to be reckoned with. HOWEVER when I have an idea or inspiration, I am often up by 2 AM where sleep evades me and I end up pouring my heart and soul into some project. I will probably nap later on today.
SO HERE I AM - finishing exactly what I have been pouring my brain power into the last few months. So many conversations, texts, and questions have happened over the last few months with so many people and I appreciate the insight, the general excitement, and just letting me gush over my latest dream.
The Home Care Plan is a tiny but mighty dream born out of my idea to keep things running smoothly while being a working mama and wife. This is for everyone and anyone trying to figure out a good routine and system.
Personally, I used to save all my cleaning for the weekend and if we had fun things to do on the weekend, I would stress and then try to cram it in. I would not feel rested or rejuvenated for the coming week, I’d be annoyed I didn’t get to finish the laundry or left a bathroom unscrubbed. I think the hardest part was when I would get irritated that we even had plans for fun things on the weekend because that meant my home was going to be sacrificed which mean the coming week was going to start off chaotic and then…*you get the picture* My brain was spiraling.
THIS WAS NOT OKAY. Not to mention once I became a mom, my kids still existed on the weekends too (haha!) and this meant that I really needed to find something else and get a better rhythm going for us.
Thus the home care guide was born and I am so excited to share it with you!
It includes some really big monthly maintenance tasks to stay on top of your home. It has a weekly schedule so you’re not cleaning all in one day. (Hey, I’ve got my rhythm down so much these days that I can get my stuff done in 15 - 30 minutes a day!) You can select what your week looks like and what day you’d prefer to start. I do have a specific, purposeful order that the cleaning rotates in. There are also many quick daily tasks in your home upkeep as well. Finally, there is an entire (gigantic section) with grocery shopping and meal planning organization. I find that this is often the hardest part (and biggest trigger for myself!).
Not to mention - printer friendly with multiple printing options that work best for you! Click the picture to get a direct link to the guide or you can head to the “Shop” area of my website!
Oh friend, I am so glad you are here and I am so happy to be able to share this with you!